Thistle Seed Bird Feeders
Thistle seed bird feeders
Nyjer seed (also referred to as Nyger or thistle), is a small, black seed high in oil content, making it an excellent source of energy for the birds who eat it. Many birders choose to offer Nyjer in their bird feeders throughout the winter months since many non-migratory birds feed on the nutritious seed.
What is the difference between Nyjer seed and thistle seed?
Nyjer seed is NOT thistle. The seed is not derived from any native or non-native thistle plant; but instead, the Nyjer seed is actually derived from a plant in the same plant tribe as sunflowers. The seed resembles a sunflower seed but is significantly smaller.
How do I feed thistle seed to birds?
Pour the thistle into the stocking. Until it's about three to four inches. High. Then take the
Can you put Nyjer seed in a regular bird feeder?
Because of its small size, most seed feeders aren't suitable, as the seed will just fall out of the holes. We recommend purchasing a pre-filled Niger Seed feeder to start off with so your birds can get used to it.
What birds prefer thistle seed?
“Although it can be expensive, Nyjer, or thistle, seed is eagerly consumed by all the small finches—goldfinches, house, purple, and Cassin's finches, pine siskins, and redpolls,” says Thompson.
Will squirrels eat thistle seed?
Squirrels (generally speaking) don't eat thistle seed, but mice do. Be sure that you don't allow thistle seed to reach the ground either. Safflower Seed. Safflower seeds are not enjoyed by squirrels, but mice do enjoy.
Why are birds not eating nyjer seed?
Nancy Castillo, co-owner of the Wild Birds Unlimited store in Saratoga Springs, New York, and author of the blog Zen Birdfeeder, points out that Nyjer contains natural high-calorie oils that attract finches. When the oils dry out, the seed loses both its food value and its flavor, and birds shun it.
Do finches prefer thistle or nyjer seed?
Nyjer Seed (aka niger seed or thistle seed) is a teeny-tiny, high-oil content seed (~40%) mostly favored by finches and siskins.
Why do birds throw seed out of feeder?
Birds throw germinating seeds from the feeder Wet bird seed may clump together and be hard to eat. If bird seed gets soaked through it may germinate and start growing. Birds will not eat germinating seeds. Birds will throw such "bad" seed out of the feeder.
Why won't birds come to my thistle feeder?
Make sure your thistle feeder is clean and full of fresh seed. If it has been hanging out for awhile with no activity, take it down, clean it and fill with fresh seed. Don't fill it up all the way at first, use a small amount of fresh seed, then adjust as your bird activity improves.
Do birds eat thistle seed in the winter?
Nyjer (sometimes spelled nyger or niger) or thistle seed is a favorite food of winter finches such as pine siskins and common redpolls. This is another oily seed that offers a lot of calories, helping birds store the fat they need to keep warm through the season.
Does thistle seed attract rats?
Rodents aren't usually a fan of thistle seed. However not all birds enjoy it either, so this may not be a good option depending on what bird species you are hoping to attract. If you do try thistle, it's best to use a thistle feeder which is made specifically for the small shape of these seeds.
Do birds eat the entire nyjer seed?
Birds, including chickadees, don't eat the whole thistle seed but only eat the meat portion from inside the hardened shell. Chickadees, as an example, will often hold the thistle seed by their feet, using their beak to shell the seed and expose the fruit of the seed.
Do birds crack open nyjer seed?
Nyjer for finches. Nyjer is a tiny seed which goldfinches will crack open to eat the edible interior; squirrels and rats are generally not interested in this seed.
What food should you not put in a bird feeder?
Are any human foods UNSAFE to feed birds?
- Bread (fresh or stale): provides no real nutritional value for birds; moldy bread can harm birds.
- Chocolate: toxic to birds, just as it is to dogs and cats (it contains theobromine); never offer birds any foods containing chocolate.
How do I attract birds to my thistle feeder?
The key is to offer year-round nagger thistle or a combination of niger. And fine chopped sunflower
Do goldfinches eat thistle seeds?
Goldfinches eat seeds almost exclusively. Main types include seeds from composite plants (in the family Asteraceae: sunflowers, thistle, asters, etc.), grasses, and trees such as alder, birch, western red cedar, and elm.
Do you need a special feeder for thistle seed?
Using a Nyjer and thistle feeder is a great way to attract large flocks of gorgeous winter finches like Pine Siskins. While sunflower seed feeders can also accomplish this task, thistle feeders rarely attract other feeder pests like squirrels, House Sparrows, and European Starlings.
Do hummingbirds eat thistle seed?
While feeding hummingbirds will never seek out seeds to eat, you may occasionally see hummingbird females collecting a fluffy, tufted thistle seed. They are not collecting these to eat; instead, they are collecting them to build their nests.
Do cardinals like thistle seed?
Birds with larger, less adept bills such as cardinals, starlings, and grosbeaks cannot easily munch on thistle seed, and they are more likely to use other feeders and try other seeds instead. If any of these are the types of birds a backyard birder wants to attract, a Nyjer feeder is not necessary.
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